Hum, um guaraná geladinho… o Guaraná Antarctica tem um sabor único e inesquecível. É o companheiro de todas as horas, seja no lanche da tarde ou na ceia de Natal. O refrigerante tem espaço garantido nos lares brasileiros, e no coração daqueles que provaram (e amaram!) o gosto do autêntico guaraná do Brasil.
SUPER FRUITOur farm of the guaraná berry is located in the heart of the Amazon and considered to be the largest guaraná gene bank in the world. |
NATURAL FLAVORWith a 100% natural flavor, Guaraná Antartica is an invitation to taste the richness and exuberance of the rainforest. |
REAL SUGAR100% sweetened with sugar cane. Not corn syrup. This provides a natural and smoother taste. |
VERSATILEGuaraná Antartica’s smooth taste is a gateway to a variety of uses. Enjoy it with any type of food, with ice, with a splash of orange or even on cocktails. |
Born in the heart of the Amazon, Guaraná Antarctica is an exuberant soft drink that combines the richness of the rainforest with the vibrancy and joy of Brazilians. If you take pleasure on discovering novelties and dream of reconnecting with the taste of nature, anywhere and any time, this is the perfect drink for you.